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6款超實用美食GIF🍞你餓了嗎?(6 Instagram gif keywords on FOOD🍞Ready to drool?)

今天要分享6個美食GIF的關鍵字, 只要在story中直接搜尋就可以了🔍✨

全部都超有質感超好看啊 你最喜歡哪款?

Hi everyone! Welcome to the sharing on Instagram story. Gif stickers are essential elements for styling your IG story and make it eye-catching. Today I am going to share 6 keywords for Instagram FOOD gif of different styles.

1) Madgenfou

個人最喜歡這一款💛水彩風的早餐, 畫得很唯美, Gif動的方式也很多元化, 特別喜歡麵包和小情侶

Definitely my personal favourite among the six. This pack contains breakfast stickers in watercolour style and their animations are pretty diverse. I love especially the pretzel, toast and the couple.

2) Oursecondnature

很有山系露營風格的圖貼🏕️手繪油粉彩的畫風營造了很童真很溫馨的感覺, 我覺得松鼠和冒煙咖啡最可愛

Another hand-drawn style gif pack on camping theme. Stickers are drawn in oil pastel style which attributes an innocent, childish and carefree imagery.

3) Haenaillust

韓國創作者的作品, 食物走像真風, 特點是加上了笑臉, 看着就覺得很療癒喔~

A Korean style gif set in which each food is given a cute smiling face.

4) Biancabosso

稍偏歐美風的系列, 圖畫線條分明, 食物種類蠻多的說, 有拉麵很驚喜哈哈🍜 顏色亦上得很好看, 特別喜歡窩夫🧇

A sticker set drawn in a stronger and sharper American style. It contains food of different varieties like ramen, beacon, waffle and fried eggs!

5) Belladesigns

這個系列偏韓系, 用色和線條比較柔和。打bellade比全名似乎找到更多,飲品就是全名找不到的

A Korean-style set of stickers using soft pastel shades. A little hack: search with "bellade" can find more stickers than inputing the full name.

6) Thomasbreakfast

這應該是某鬆餅牌子的gif哈哈,但不要緊,好看就好啊(*¯︶¯*) 我覺得它們超有創意的說

Actually they are the gif stickers of a company selling English muffins and bagels. Yet, the stickers are nicely designed and creative so I decided to recommend them as well :)




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